Lactona Bolus El potente tranquilizante, modificador de la conducta y poderoso Glactagogo | Medicina Veterinaria

 Loctona Bolus For Veterinary Medicine

Lactona Bolus is a highly patent tranquilizer, behavior modifier and effective tranquilizer for Agalactia, Hypogalactia and irregular lactation and dairy cattle due to psychological factors of Agalactia. Among the Lactogenic herbs one of the potent herbs Adiantum Lanulantum (Jatamasi) is an effective drug against psychosis and acts as a potent tranquilizer by inducing lactogenic potentiality of milch cattle for increasing of milk by eradicating the psychological factors along with other lactogenic herbs.

Indication : Decreased/Failure of let down of milk due to: Death of Calf, Change of Milker, Change of Milking Place, Environmental change, Transportation, After the treatment of Mastitis, FMD and any other disease for maintaining normal milk production.

Active Ingredients : 

Vidari Kand







Dosage : 4 Bolus twice a day 1 hour before milking for 3 to 4 day.

Presentation : Lactona bolus is a available in a strip of 10 boluses and a box containing 3 strip- 10 boluses each.

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